For the debut of her Dragon Age 3 Morrigan costume at PAX Prime, Jessica Merizan contacted me to create the corset based on the character artwork. To make the corset work in real life, we tweaked a few small details such as reducing the number of rivets and adding space next to the piped seams to allow for boning channels that would create the structure.

First, the corset was patterned and the understructure was built. Then, faux leather was used to create the shell and piping along each seam. Next, I stitched channels for the boning and marked out the spacing for over 500 rivets! Once the rivets were added, the black lace and rope trim were applied to the hem, along with the faux leather "belt". Finally, the corset was lined, grommetted, and ready to wear!

Morrigan as seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Jessica Merizan in her Morrigan costume with corset by Double Monocle Studios (me). Photo by Snap Yourself